Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Daily Activities

Actually, in my house there are not much house chores to do. There are only four adults in the house and we don't get out of our room too often. So, that makes the house not easily dirty. But, the house still has to be cleaned.
My job as the youngest are, sweep the floor, clean the window, and clean all the furnitures in the house. I used to clean the house once every two days. Now, I do it once every three days. Because I have a lot of homework in the second semester. And the homeworks are getting more difficult. That makes me got a headache frequently.
My mother always does the cooking in the morning, because in the evening we order catering.Actually, she doesn't have to cook much and she doesn't have to cook something difficult, because I don't trust her cooking. It tastes horrible. She also does the washing, she washes our clothes twice a week.
My aunt always gets rid of something useless. She takes the 'cleaning the warehouse' job. She also the one who pays attention to little details, like turn on and off the water, etc. She also pays the bills, but of course she and my mother have to give contribute to the bills. She doesn't pay all of it all by herself.
I think that's all about the house chores in my house.

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